Friday, February 10, 2012

growing up goofy...

I think everyone knows who the goofy one of the family is. Jacob is so many things that I can't be and funny is definitely a big one! Easton can be goofy, but he's more serious like me. Hey now!!! I like to have fun...I'm just not a funny person and when I try to be...well...that's even worse. 

Greenlee is hilarious! I feel like all Jake and I ever say is..."girl, you crack me up!" She doesn't care where she is and who she's around...she is her own person. Easton has always been so meek and shy...nervous around people he doesn't know. Greenlee is total opposite. You should see her dance.
I hope she stays this way because I LOVE IT!!!

Does anyone think we are ready to celebrate this little Valentines birthday? Momma is NOT!

I know what you're thinking and I promise...this is not all I do...take pictures. 
I do A LOT of other things ;)
I am for sure glad that I took G out this day. Even though she acted like a crazy girl this next picture has got to be my favorite of her so far. 



  1. Girl's not goofy...she's a "Girl that just likes to have fun" Happy Birthday Gramee's little Angel baby...YOU ARE SOOO LOVED!!
