"We need enjoyment. Without it, life is unbalanced and a door is opened for Satan to devour us (1 Peter 5:8). The joy of the Lord is our strength (Nehemiah 8:10). There is a time to work...(clean house...pay bills) and a time to play...a time to cry and a time to laugh (Ecclesiastes 3:1-8). Make sure you are not denying your legitimate needs. It is good to help others; as Christians, it is our call. But it is not wrong to do things for ourselves. Be sure you take time for yourself. Take time to do things you enjoy!"
- Joyce Meyer
my hubby
he'll always be the boy that gives me butterflies...
he'll always be the boy making me laugh...
he'll always be my best friend!
to me...he'll always be 18 and beautiful and dancing away with my heart
my beautiful boy
my beautiful girl

i love her deep desire to see...hear and do ALL things
i love her every move
i love being exhausted because of her
i enjoy myself when i'm with them...with all my heart
they make me the happiest momma in the whole wide world!
to my momma...
you are...the passion inside of me
you are...what makes me grow
you are...a constant peace within my soul
i believe that God made mothers because he couldn't be here himself...
physically by our side when we needed him
i am so thankful that God chose you to be by my side...because...
you are...the best momma in the whole wide world!
Happy Mothers Day!
Thank you my precious baby girl....You are so special in God's eyes and in your Momma's ...always have been and always will be!! I love you more than life itself! My children and my grand children are my life...my love..my passion and the air that I breath....Forever and a Day!!! I LOVE YOU!! Happy Momma's Day to you too!!!!xoxo