Sunday, July 15, 2012

cool at the pool or babe at the beach?

How do you and your family spend your time at the beach? When I was little my whole entire family was on the beach by 10am and didn't leave until at least 4pm or later. We didn't even leave the beach for was always in the cooler...right there beside us. We played the sand and in the ocean. Took walks...built sand castles and searched for sea shells. Jake says he has never liked the beach. When he was little he spent most of his time fishing...golfing or riding bikes. Maybe it's the difference between a boy and a girl...I don't know but for right now I believe I'm the only one in my family that enjoys it. 

Jake was always ready to take the kids in for their naps when we had only been on the beach a couple hours. Neither one of the kids could take it for very long. I thought maybe at least G was going to be able to hang with her Momma but I was wrong. On the first day out...she ran straight into the ocean...fell flat on her face in the salt water and got up laughing. After about 6 times of that...she wasn't too fond. Now by about 2 o'clock I was ready to head in. The sun is way stronger and hotter then it was 20 years ago. 

On the other hand...I couldn't get the kids to leave the pool. E LOVES to swim! We had only taken G in Gramee's pool a couple times because she wouldn't have any part of it. Here they had just what she needed...a pool just her size. The baby pool was a foot and a half...which was still a little deep for her...but she really thought she was big time! She would bend down as far as she could...water up to her chin...and then jump up and laugh. Both the kids had the best time at the pool...other then running around on the golf course at Aunt Melody's and Uncle Joe's (pics of that to come later).

A crock on the loose!

An unsure baby girl.

One cool dude!

One frilly little bootie.

Daddy a.k.a Booger Patrol

Greens a.k.a Snack Rat

I didn't get very many pictures on the beach but here's a few. On our last full day there Daddy was golfing so Aunt Joanie and I took the kids to the beach. We tried to pull an "all day-er" but didn't quite make it. Jake helped us take all this stuff down to the beach that morning...lets just say on the way back we had one PACKED DOWN STROLLER! (haha Joanie ;)

Just want to say thanks to Uncle Josh and Aunt Joanie for watching the kids while Jake and I went out to dinner one night. It was time MUCH NEEDED and we are EXTREMELY GRATEFUL!

I've got two pool lovin' peeps on my hands so I guess I'm the only beach babe...not sure where Daddy comes in because he'd probably rather be back in the mountains.


  1. love the pics...y'all are gonna have to come to the beach with us one year and we'll train those babies to love the beach! i figure one day little g will find her inner beach goddess:)
