Tuesday, April 17, 2012

call me crazy...

At least Jake thought I had literally lost my mind. This past Sunday he decided to finally go try out a hot spot in town lol...not really...it was the laundry mat. They have big commercial washers and dryers there that would do a better job at getting his work clothes clean. I just couldn't stand the thought of Jake sitting at a laundry mat for hours while we are sitting at home...plus I want Jake to get every minute he can with the kids while he's off. He was getting ready to leave the house when I said, "hey!, can we go with you?" I don't know if he thought I was crazy but he at least looked at me like I was...and with an unsure reply said, yyyyyeah...if you really want to." 

I thought...I'll make it really fun for everyone and take my camera along (hehe)...I've always wanted to take pics at a laundry mat (I know...I'm not just crazy but strange too). Anways, it actually turned out to be a really good time for everyone. Daddy didn't have to sit all my his lonesome...watching his clothes spin. I got to do one of my favorite things...take pictures of my kids...and the kids just had fun trying something new. When we went in they had Klove playing too which made the time that much more special. Thank goodness nobody else was there because we kind of took over the Montgomery laundry mat and made it our home for an hour and a half. 

Make the most of every minute you have with your family! 

Shhhhhhh...don't tell anyone...the money is in a secret place.

He's ready to work...not sure why but he just had to bring Daddy's safety glasses along.

Doing her own thing...like always.

Ok...now she's gettin a little crazy!

Uh oh! Is someone gettin a spankin? Yeah right...the only one that does the spanking around here is Momma. All Jake has to do is look at E cross-eyed and he straitens up and he doesn't have the heart to lay a hand on his baby girl :) Yes! We believe in spankings.

Plus...is this face not precious!

I just love this kid! In my eyes he is the most perfect thing on this earth!!!

E is serious most of the time but I just love it when he gets silly!

Not sure if we will make this a family outing every time. Or if it will turn into a every-couple-weeks tradition...but this time...was a good time. I don't care where I'm at or what I'm doing...as long as I'm with these special people. I love love love my family!!!


  1. Love it!! Picts are ADORABLE...and those precious Blessings of yours are indescribable ....BOTH of them...really thought that Easton was going to stand out because he has been so perfect from day one BUT.....coming up really fast...just like lightning McQueen.... is.... little NeeNee...just as equally precious and perfect..WOW...GOD BLESSED YOU WITH 2 PERFECT PERDUE'S.....!!!!!
