Sunday, November 4, 2012

No trick for me...

Just the sweetest treats in this big ole world!!! We always have a good time...dressing up and searching for the best candy out there. But...this night wasn't just full of was full of laughter...we laughed until our faces hurt. Easton had a blast! He of course was quiet and reserved, but always polite in saying Trick-or-Treat and Thank You. Jake tries to get him to really get into it and run as fast as he can from house to house...but this boy wants to just take his time and enjoy it. Miss G was a RIOT!!! Mind you...she's only been trick-or-treating one time and had to ride in a wagon because she couldn't walk very well. You would have thought she had been as many times as I have. This girl was on a mission! I am so upset with myself for not videoing. I had my camera...which I was taking pictures with but totally forgot to capture this chic on video. Oh how I would have loved for everyone to have seen it...and of course the gushing Momma would have watched it over and over again. 

Not just an ordinary Spiderman...the cutest Spiderman EVER!!!

I know G's going to love me for this in about 15 years...haha. She was a flying unicorn. I had planned on her being a Spidergirl to match E, but I saw this at Homegoods and couldn't resist.

Another proud moment...these two are this Daddy's world!

Lovin' E's stance.

There she goes! Never looking back.

E says, "Trick-or-Treat!" G says, "Tee Too (Thank You)!"

Ok...the only reason Daddy had to go is because of the hill but as you can see G is dragging him to the front of the line...she doesn't care who's in front or how big or old they are.

My favorite part of course were the moments leading up to this. From this point on we did nothing but open candy and occasionally get globs of it loaded with saliva spit back into our hands...but I can guarantee this was their favorite part.

I hope everyone enjoyed their Treating because I sure enjoyed mine!


  1. Love the post Aim..and love you guys...YOU and JAKE both are sooo BLESSED!! Your Angels are sooooo precious....E is sooo YOU and looks like Jake....G is soooo Jake and looks like you...gonna be sooo funny to watch as they grow me some Perdue's for sure!!
