Tuesday, January 28, 2014

for all the wrong reasons

When I think about last year…how could I sum it up into one word? To be completely honest the first word that comes to mind is MESS. I'm laughing as I type this…thinking about things that I went through last year that I didn't think I was ever going to overcome.
I did though (only because of His voice).

I definitely had some moments of physical weakness, but most of the battles took place in my mind. There were so many great moments last year. Moments that God took my breath away with His healing…His grace…His strength and His faithfulness. I am so thankful and so grateful for what God did for me and for my family in 2013. The reason the word mess comes to mind is because I messed up. I was a MESS! I didn't take enough time to listen. Every time I was faced with a problem I would pray…pray…pray, but not listen to His voice.
I was praying me me me for all the wrong reasons!
Lord, please help me to be what my husband needs me to be.
Lord, please help me to be the perfect mother for my children.
Lord, please help me to be the perfect daughter, sister and friend.
(This is what I heard Him say--"But what about you Aimee? Don't you want more…more of Me?")
He is jealous for me!
Here I am longing to be what all these people need.
 He is everything they need.
All He wants is to be everything I need.

Praying all those prayers…longing for all those things, but never one time lifting my self up to Him. When was the last time I took time out to nourish my soul? To read His word…to spend time just listening to Him. I've realized something. In order to be all those things I just mentioned…which I still very much long for…I have to be fixed and I have to be fed first.

Along with praying for others you have to pray for you. It's so hard to do!
This something I've known--but have been so busy--I've forgotten. I've been so busy and it has been so chaotic and loud. He's been trying to remind me and I didn't hear Him.

God has to do a work in me before I can be all those things for all those people that I love so dearly. I'm still learning. I'm still listening. In this new year God has a lot of things to show me and to teach me. I'm excited! I'm excited to feel a little fuller so that I can be a better wife, mother, daughter, sister and friend. I don't want to just pray that prayer. God help me to be who everyone needs me to be because I don't want to miss out on all the teachings He has for me in between. 

My word for 2014 is RENEW! In every way God could renew me…I'm praying for it. Renew my love. Renew my passion for life. Renew my compassion for others. Renew my fire for You. Renew my body, soul, mind and spirit. Create in me a clean heart! My focus for this year will be on praying for my self more…fueling myself more with His word...watching my words...pinpointing my prayers and listening to Him.

My new years resolution is to find more joy in EVERYTHING!!!
"Just because your car is a mess--doesn't mean your life is a mess!"

"I will refresh the weary and satisfy the faint" -- Jeremiah 31:25
"seek the lord and his strength; seek his presence continually!" -- 1 Chronicles 16:11
"take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart and you will find rest for your souls" -- Matthew 11:29


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